Candidates of the 2020 IFCM Elections

IFCM Press Release

Thus far, 2020 has certainly been challenging for everyone and saddening for many. We have witnessed the cancellation of many festivals, concerts, and events worldwide. However, we also saw the development and use of new technology, helping us in our daily life. As you know, due to the pandemic, IFCM will organize its General Assembly and elections online this year. This will also give us an opportunity to test this new and modern approach.

Elections will be held from November 1st until November 15th, via a specialized platform which will allow us to have completely anonymous and regular elections. To ensure that the election procedure adheres to the Bylaw and Internal Membership Policy documents, an Election Committee will be formed with a Governance Advisor, staff members, a representative of the Membership, and a current board member, who is not a candidate for the new board. The Election Committee is made up of:

  1. Sonja Greiner, Governance Advisor
  2. Nadine Robin, Office Manager
  3. Iva Radulovic, Operations Manager
  4. Cristian Grases, Board member (not a candidate for the new Board)
  5. Jutta Tagger, Honorary Member (representative of Membership).

The Election Committee will oversee the elections, results, and ensure that everything is transparent and in accordance with the Bylaws.

Since the candidates will not be able to present live at the GA as the elections will be held before, they will have an opportunity to present online (on the IFCM website).

The total number of candidates is:

  1. Board of Directors: 20 for 10 positions available
  2. President: 1



  1. Emily Kuo Vong



  1. Ana Patricia Carbajal, Mexico
  2. Anthony Tereck-King, USA
  3. Daniel Mestre Dalmau, Spain
  4. Dominique Lecheval, France
  5. Denise Reed, USA
  6. Gábor Móczár, Hungary
  7. Jan Schumacher, Germany,
  8. John Rosser, New Zealand
  9. Kaie Tanner, Estonia
  10. Ki Adams, Canada
  11. Maria Emma Merigoupoulou, Greece
  12. Maria Guinand, Venezuela
  13. Naomi Faran, Israel
  14. Oscar Escalada, Argentina
  15. J. Harper, USA
  16. Thomas Richard Caplin, Norway
  17. Victoria Liedbergius, Norway
  18. Wolfgang Ziegler, Austria
  19. Yoshihiro Egawa, Japan
  20. Yveline Damas, Gabon

The results of Elections will be published on December 3rd, online on the General Assembly.


Edited by Selina Marsoni, UK