Message from the IFCM President

A message from the IFCM President Lupwishi Mbuyamba to the Winneba Youth Choir on the occasion of its 20th anniversary


It is  a real pleasure for us to express our sincere congratulations to the Winneba Youth Choir, Ghana, on the occasion of its very significant anniversary: a distinguished choral ensemble, coherent, dynamic and very promising for the future of choral music on the African Continent.

The International Federation for Choral Music was lucky to identify this elite choir to serve as the nucleus for its African Children Sing project. It is our duty to thank the patron and the leadership of the choir for all its successes.

Let us hope that the celebration of its 20th anniversary will boost the Choir members  and consolidate the work in progress taking advantage of numerous IFCM projects on the continent and in the world for further demonstrations of the Winneba Youth Choir’s ability and commitment to excellence.

With our best wishes


Lupwishi Mbuyamba sign




Lupwishi Mbuyamba, IFCM President