Choral Life in Indonesia
By Angela Astri Soemantri (Choral Conductor),
Michael Mulyadi (Music Journalist) and
Monty P. Satiadarma (Psychologist)
Indonesian Folk Chora…Read More →
Angela Astri Soemantri is a candidate for the Master of Educational Psychology degree. She has dedicated 14 years of her life to teaching music, primarily piano. For the last 10 years, she has focused on the study of choral music, becoming actively involved in solo and ensemble workshops and master classes. She is passionate about passing that knowledge along to her choristers: She conducted the Monarch Orcaellanum Luminare (MOL) Choir (previously known as Orcaellae Vox Sacra) in an international choir competition in Venice, Italy (May, 2009), where she won two gold diplomas (in the Mixed Chamber and Folklore categories). Proud to be an Indonesian, Ms. Soemantri is committed to bringing the richness of Indonesian culture to the entire world through choral music. Email: //
Monty P. Satiadarma is a registered psychologist, a member of the [Indonesian] National Board of Psychologists, and an affiliate of various international psychological associations. He is a psychotherapist, art therapist, family therapist, researcher, and the former Dean of Psychology and President of a private university. He has also published books on music therapy. Email: //
Michael Mulyadi has studied piano, voice and conducting. He is an active classical music journalist and is sought for his opinions on classical music in Indonesia Since 2003, he has also been a choral conductor, focusing on church music; he is currently principal conductor of the Eliata Choir. Email:
By Angela Astri Soemantri (Choral Conductor),
Michael Mulyadi (Music Journalist) and
Monty P. Satiadarma (Psychologist)
Indonesian Folk Chora…Read More →
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