The EUROPA CANTAT Festival in Turin
Press release by the European Choral Association
The EUROPA CANTAT Festival has been taking place every three years in a different city since 1961, and is organized by the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat – in cooperation with local partners. In 2009 the festival was hosted by the city of Utrecht in The Netherlands, and 2012 it will go to Italy for the first time, with the Olympic City of Turin, supported by the region of Piemonte and the Italian choral association FENIARCO, welcoming thousands of choir enthusiasts from July 27th to August 5th.
The International Music Commission has put together an exciting programme, which has something to offer for everybody. Male choirs, children’s choirs, female choirs, mixed choirs and vocal ensembles, individual singers, conductors, composers and managers will find a rich and flexible programme on offer.

Almost 50 ateliers with a duration of four to eight days offer vocal music from Gregorian Chant to premieres of commissioned works, from folk to classical music, vocal pop and jazz, gospel and spirituals, Renaissance music, classical music and opera. There is something to choose from for every choir, for beginners and those who are already experienced, for normal choirs and auditioned choirs of the highest level, but also for individual singers and groups of friends – they can all learn new repertoire under the direction of renowned and experienced conductors from all over the world and present the results to the audience. In addition they can offer their own repertoire in concerts, participate in the fringe programme or sing in the region, join the Open Singing and many other initiatives to spread the festival atmosphere and sounds in less conventional ways and places and involve the whole city in a great choral celebration.

Conductors, composers and choral managers will find a separate programme with presentations, workshops, round-table discussions and practical exercises, enough space for personal contacts and exchange among colleagues as well as the possibility to watch the renowned atelier conductors at work in the frame of a Study Tour.
Those who cannot be there all the time are also welcome for one or two days – for a taste of the festival we offer the so-called ‘Discovery Ateliers’ in which a different music style can be experienced every day, but singers can also experiment with body percussion, beatboxing or belcanto, get a feeling of what it means to conduct a choir or improve their breathing techniques.
Most of all, the EUROPA CANTAT festival offers many of opportunities for meeting others, people with similar interests who come from up to 50 different countries. Also to be experienced are Italian and Mediterranean culture and atmosphere, and choral music from all over the world, which will transform the city into a huge choral platform. The motto is ‘On Stage – Festa – Soul Food’. And you, are you ready TO sing?
For further information go to, watch the film on the festival and get an overview on all offers (you will find the list of ateliers at, or write to, the festival office.