Romand Vanags
Romans Vanags is a graduate from the Emils Darzins specialized music college and the Department of Choir and Orchestra Conducting of the Jāzeps Vitols Latvian State Conservatory in Riga (currently named Jāzeps Vitols' Latvian Academy of Music). He has also received a diploma in choir conducting and in music pedagogy, as well as studying symphonic orchestra conducting. In 2003, Romans Vanags received a professional master's degree in music. Romans Vanags' professional work has been connected with conducting and pedagogy. He has been the chief conductor of the Vanema teacher’s choir for a number of years (1984-2004), and since 1990 has been the principal conductor of the Latvian University female choir named Minjona. Since 1987, Romans Vanags has been the chief conductor and artistic director of Jāzeps Mediņš Music School Boys` Choir. From 1990-1993 he worked with Jazeps Medins Music College Symphonic Orchestra. Since 1987, Romans Vanags has worked at the Latvian Music Academy in Riga as a professor of choir conducting.