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Стивен Грайвз
Университет Южной Дактоы, Брукингз, Южная Дакота
В течение предыдущих 40 лет музыковеды и хороведы обнаружили и опубликовали огромное количеств…Read More →
Associate Professor of Music, Dr. Steve Grives conducts the Concert Choir, Madrigal Singers and Statesmen; teaches conducting; and coordinates the choral area at SDSU. Grives received the D.M.A. degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder, the M.M. from the University of Maine, and a B.A. from Bowdoin College. Dr. Grives is in frequent demand as a guest conductor, clinician, adjudicator, and presenter of scholarly research. He is a regular contributor to the Choral Journal and Melisma, the North Central ACDA newsletter. Grives is an active member of several professional organizations. He serves as the Repertoire and Standards Chair for Male Choirs for SD-ACDA; is a board member of the National Collegiate Choral Organization; and a member of the Pi Kappa Lambda music honor society. In addition to his work at SDSU, Dr. Grives directs the Dakota Men’s Ensemble, a choral group that sings weekly for patients in hospice care in Brookings and the surrounding areas. Email: Steven.Grives@sdstate.edu
Стивен Грайвз
Университет Южной Дактоы, Брукингз, Южная Дакота
В течение предыдущих 40 лет музыковеды и хороведы обнаружили и опубликовали огромное количеств…Read More →
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