Chorklang zum Greifen nah!
Prof. Harald Jers, Dirigent, Deutschland
Harald Jers is a conductor and Professor of Choral conducting at the Mannheim University of Music. He is in charge of international courses and workshops for conducting at European music academies and colleges. Furthermore he serves in the jury of competitions for choral music and composition and as a lecturer at international music courses and symposia. A special trademark of his work as a conductor is represented by the combination of various disciplines, the result of his studies in conducting, teaching music at secondary schools (principal study singing), church music and physics. He employs his wide musical background, gained by intensive research in the sphere of the acoustics of choirs and of spaces, in order to improve the quality of the sound of a choir, to achieve a more effective use of rehearsal time, and for the best possible spatial arrangement of orchestras and choirs. With his chamber choir CONSONO he has won numerous international choral competitions, a success based on his intensive work on the improvement of the choir’s sound. Website:
Prof. Harald Jers, Dirigent, Deutschland
Von Prof. Harald Jers
Viele Chorleiter stimmen sicherlich überein, dass die Qualität eines Chores oft mit den Qualitäten des Chorleiters einhergeht. Dass Chordirigenten deshalb eine große Bandbreite…Read More →
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