Nationale Chöre in Neuseeland
Von Karen Grylls, Chorleiterin und Lehrerin
Nationalchöre[1] haben eine große Rolle in Neuseelands Selbstdarstellung im Ausland gespielt. Das betrifft sowohl Auftragskompositionen wie au…Read More →
ONZM, Associate Head of Undergraduate Studies, Associate-Professor in Conducting and Head of Choral Studies at the University of Auckland, directed the Auckland Dorian Choir (1985-1998), assumed the position of Musical Director of TOWER NZ Youth Choir in 1989, and founded TOWER Voices NZ in March 1998. In addition to being the current Musical Director of both of these national choirs Karen also conducts the Chamber Choir at the University of Auckland and directs courses in choral ensemble skills. A graduate of both Otago and Auckland Universities, Karen studied postgraduate Conducting and Music Theory at the University of Washington, Seattle where she studied for four years with Professors John Rahn, Abraham Kaplan, and Joan Catoni-Conlon. In 1985,
she returned to NZ to teach at the University of Auckland and take up the directorship of the Auckland Dorian Choir. In August 2011, Voices NZ Chamber Choir was chosen to represent New Zealand at the 9th World Choral Symposium in Puerto Madryn, Argentina. Karen is much in demand as a choral clinician and has many CD recordings to her credit. Invitations to adjudicate have taken her to Australia, Singapore, Tolosa, Hong Kong, Gorizia and Xiamen. In 1996, the university honoured her with a Distinguished Teaching Award in Music, and in 1999, she received a New Year’s Honour ONZM for her
services to choral music. She was awarded the KBB Citation for Services to NZ music from the Composers’ Association of NZ and the Lilburn Trust Award. TOWER Voices CD “Spirit of the Land” took the 2006 Tui Award for “Best Classical Album”. E-mail:
Von Karen Grylls, Chorleiterin und Lehrerin
Nationalchöre[1] haben eine große Rolle in Neuseelands Selbstdarstellung im Ausland gespielt. Das betrifft sowohl Auftragskompositionen wie au…Read More →
Karen Grylls, Chordirigentin und Lehrerin
Alfred Hill (1869-1960), geboren in Melbourne und ausgebildet am Musikkonservatorium in Leipzig, war im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert einer der einflussreichsten Mus…Read More →
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